[Masak Bareng Yuk!] Rujak Pengantin

Rujak/rojak is a fruit and vegetable salad dish commonly found in Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia (where here is called Rujak). source: wikipedia.
For most of Indonesians, rujak is referred to fruit salad that is served with spicy peanut sauce.
Meanwhile, Pengantin means bride/groom.

It'll be pretty strange if I directly translate this name into English. The story behind the name according to a website says that once upon a time, this dish was served only during wedding ceremony/celebrations. It was not an everyday food. Today we can find it or cook it anytime we want. ...hmmm as Kelly Kwong always says: "every food has a journey" :)

This dish is popular in Bogor, West Java. Bogor is famous as a Rain City (almost rain everyday even during the dry season), has one of four Indonesian Presidential Palaces, has a world's famous botanical garden and ...has a very rich and innovative culinary. Actually Bogor is not too far from Jakarta; only about 30 minutes driving via a highway from our home in South Jakarta.
Back to Rujak Pengantin, this is my entry to "Masak Bareng Yuk!" event. This month's theme is Indonesian Salad/Vegetables. Regularly I join this monthly event, because I like to explore Indonesian Food... and every month I'm amazed on how rich our local culinary are. That's why, I have chosen to prepare a food that I have never tried before. Yup, this is the first time I make and eat rujak pengantin.

Rujak Pengantin

This 'rujak' is actually different from 'fruit salad type' rujak that is common in Indonesia. It is slightly look & taste like gado-gado, the famous Indonesian vegetable salad. The different is in the peanut sauce; in rujak pengantin we need to put 'ebi' (dried 'tiny' shrimps), which adds a special savoury flavour to the sauce. Very special and unusual.
I modified a little bit from the original recipes, and I'm very happy with the result. I substituted the white tofu with the famous yellow "tahu YunYi" from Bogor. Also I substituted half of the sugar with brown sugar and I served the rujak pengantin with the yellow 'kerupuk mie' (noodle crackers) that normally we eat with 'asinan bogor'.



Source : Femina Online

Bahan :
100 gr touge
200 gr isi buah nanas (tanpa kulit), iris tipis memanjang 2 cm
300 gr kentang, kukus, potong persegi
3 butir telur ayam, rebus, kupas, iris tipis
300 gr tahu putih, goreng, potong dadu
200 gr selada keriting
150 gr kol, iris halus
200 gr mentimun, iris tipis
Taburan :
100 gr kacang goreng
Saus :
3 siung bawang putih
8 buah cabe merah
4 buah cabe rawit
1 sdm ebi, sangrai, tumbuk halus
150 gr kacang goreng
200 ml air
50 gr gula pasir
1 1/2 sdt garam
3 sdm cuka masak

Cara membuat :
Tumbuk halus bawang putih, cabe merah dan cabe rawit. Tambahkan kacang tanah dan ebi, tumbuk kembali hingga halus. Campurkan dengan air, tambahkan gula pasir dan garam. Jerang di atas api sedang, hingga mendidih. Angkat, biarkan hangat dan tambahkan cuka masak. Aduk rata, dinginkan.
Penyajian :
Atur semua bahan di atas piring saji, tuangkan saus dan taburkan kacang tanah. Sajikan.


nath said…
beautiful pic (",) ak jg suka makan rujak pengantin yang slalu ada di setiap acara resepsi.. pedes2 maknyusss.... ;) lain kali buat sendiri dehh.. hehe, thx for share
Tuty said…
Fantastic pictures and yummy rujak... perfect for summer treat.

Salam kenal, Van.
Anonymous said…
cihuy banget deh mba van kamera 50D baru nya..prikitiew

Ayin said…
wadoh ini enak banget.. nyicip..nyicip :)
Makasih ya Vania udah ikutan ngeramekin masbar yg semakin sepi aja
novia said…
mbak vania sekarang sudah di jakarta yah?
rujak yang enak bikin ngeces dan foto yang cantik bikin tambah ngeces ajah.
salam kenal yah.

ayu said…
Mbak Vaaan, rujak pengantinnya nampak menggiurkaaan, mauuuuu! *sodorin piring kosong*
Anonymous said…
Mbak Van, jadi pengen ....:)kirim dong.....
Foni said…
enake dah di jkt..
daku mau kerupuknya aja..paling enak itu kerupuk asinan ya van, ama gula merah leleh:)
TryMasak said…
Visit Malaysia's first online cooking VIDEO portal - http://www.trymasak.my. Watch cooking videos and share your recipes with over 1000 other members. :)
ambar ariseno said…
Mbak, Van.. aku ngintip resepnya lagi, lagi dan lagi yaaa.... gak pernah bosen main ke sini.. Top banget....
Deliah's Deli said…
salam kenal - saya link blog nya vania - banyak makanan enak di sini dan photonya cantik - makasih :)

Wow Gold said…
fantastic blog.
Wow Gold said…
what a blog ! .
Anita said…
I just tried this yesterday and was looking for a recipe and found your site. I wish your recipe was in English.