Bubur Biji Salak

Living in the most populous Muslim country in the world, Ramadhan is one of the 'big events' for us in Indonesia. It affects many aspects of our life, from the time activities (school & working hour), traffic,... and the food.
The schools and some offices have early dismissal for their students/teachers/staffs, and the terrible traffic get worse, when lots of people rush around 3pm-6pm in order to break their fast with family and friends.

When it comes to the fasting month of Ramadhan, most of Indonesians get more excited about their appetite of food.
We can figure it out when we find street vendors spreading everywhere, selling sweet delicacies. Most of them are traditional drink and food. If you are familiar with Indonesian 'Ramadhan' menu, you know exactly what kind of food you will find there. You name it, ...kolak pisang, kolak ubi, bubur sumsum, bubur candil, bubur biji salak, es pisang hijau, or es cendol.
Or we can see how supermarkets are flooded with millions of food, much more than normal. People buy the food like there is no more time to shop.
Nothing I can say, only..."WOW!" And during breaking the fast, the food courts and restaurants are overloaded of people (another Wow).

If you visit 'Pasar Ramadhan' (street food areas that open only a couple hours before fasting break, during the month of Ramadhan), you'll find more type of food. Not only the sweet delicacies, but they also sell lots of main courses. Again, most of them are traditional food, which some of them are only popular during Ramadhan.
I'll add the picture of the pasar Ramadhan, if I have time to visit one of the biggest and famous pasar Ramadhan before Idul Fitri.

So, even our family do not celebrate the Ramadhan or Idul Fitri (Eid Mubarak), we join the crowd to enjoy the special food that popular during this time. Sometime I stop by in a street vendor that selling the famous kolak, bubur sumsum and lontong in the late afternoon, nearby our house complex.

Many times we look for bubur biji salak, unfortunately the lady has stop selling it for whatever reason. Then I decided to prepare it for my family myself.
If we translate, bubur biji salak means 'snake skin fruit seeds porriage'. Scary huh!!
So forget about the name then, and stop thinking that the balls on the porriage are the seeds. No, no....
They are made of sweet potato that mixed with some tapioca flour. They're soft, and very delicious when combined with gula jawa (Indonesia brown sugar) sauce and coconut milk sauce.

Please note, that this porriage is look alike Bubur Candil, but they are actually different. The main ingredient for Bubur Candil Balls is glutinous rice flour and mashed sweet potato for the Bubur Biji Salak.
Don't forget to use the pandan leaves to give the special aroma. Just to let you know, I'm so blessed that now I can cut the fresh pandan leaves from my backyard, anytime I need. Cihuyy!

Bubur Biji Salak

Bubur Biji Salak
Bahan :
1000 gr ubi jalar
100 gr tepung kanji
1 sdt garam
1000 ml air, untuk merebus ubi
400 gr gula merah
50 gr gula pasir
1/2 sdt garam
800 ml air

Kuah: masak hingga mendidih
500 ml santan, dari 1 butir kelapa
1/2 sdt garam
3 lembar daun pandan

1. Kukus ubi jalar sampai matang, kupas kulitnya hingga bersih, lalu lumatkan/haluskan selagi panas, dinginkan.
2. Ambil 3/4 bagian dari ubi jalar, campur bersama tepung kanji dan garam, aduk rata.
Buat bentuk bulat-bulat kecil, seperti biji salak, sisihkan.
3. Didihkan air dalam panci, masukkan biji salak ke dalamnya. Masak hingga mengapung, angkat, tiriskan, sisihkan.
4. Masak gula merah, gula pasih dan garam bersama air hingga larut, angkat.
Bila perlu saring air gula ini, lalu jerang kembali di atas api. Masukkan sisa ubi jalar ke dalamnya, aduk rata dan masak terus hingga mendidih, amsukkan biji salak, angkat.
5. Pindahkan bubur biji salak ke dalam wadah saji, hidangkan dengan kuah santan.

Pandan Leaves (L) - Biji Salak (R)Bubur Biji Salak (L) - Pandan Leaves (R)

English version recipe will come tomorrow *busy weekend mode ON*


Ira Rodrigues said…
bubur biji salak kamu ayu tenan van,serasa ikutan nyendok :)
*inget2 waktu kecil suka kasih hantaran ke tetangga, bubur biji salak ini bhs jawanya jenang sapar hihi
Ezvina said…
What happens to the 1/4 of the ubi jalar?
Anonymous said…
Bukan mba Vania, tapi bantu jawab, 1/4 ubi jalarnya ada dilangkah nomor 4..HTH :)