Bye June, Hi July ...

No posting on the 'busy' June... and now we're in the middle of July, in the middle of the year of 2011. It's a beautiful sunny day here in Jakarta. The children school holiday is almost finish, and next week, they'll be back to school. Happy!

Last month, we were so busy. But we're happy, we're enjoying our dynamic life, up and down... and full of celebrations. Last month we celebrated my husband's birthday, our 13th wedding anniversary, and the end of the school year! ...the holiday scent was blowing around us. We travelled, did camping, had reunions, met family and friends, and of course... trying lots of new food. Oh, one more thing, son's two front teeth were taken out. We were waiting for that because he's already 8.5 years old!

I'll write more about our trip in the next posting. Now, I just want to share the picture of our joyfull, enjoying the beautiful of local strawberries, brought by my husband from Ciwidey, West Java.

Strawberries, fresh from Ciwidey. Enjoying 'Banana-Strawberry Smoothie'

Have a nice weekend, My Friends. See you in my next posting.

Next : Trip to Cirebon, West Java (1) *where to go?


Anonymous said…
Speaking of teeth, I think Amanda's lower front tooth is going to drop any time now..:)
Strawberriesnya gede2 yach Mbak Vania..manis ga?
Selly Ihda said…
IIiiiiihh patrick ompooong...hihiihi
Vania said…
Roossy, iya gigi seri bawah biasanya duluan rontok tuh. Sayangnya si Patrick giginya agak terlalu kuat, jadi gigi permanen bawahnya udah sempet tumbuh di belakang gigi susunya. Akhirnya susu depan bawah itu harus dicabut pake anastesi Ross, krn belum goyang dan ternyata akarnya masih panjang.
Strawberriesnya lumayan gede, tp gak gitu manis Ros, gak kyg segede dan semanis strawberries Amrik. Biasanya kalo di juice ta tambahin pisang bbrp potong.

Selly... iya ini nungguin gigi atas rontok berasa lama bgt. Rasanya dulu Patricia umur 6-7th dah ompong deh.