Fresh from the Oven

Nothing can beat the delicious homemade bake, especially when they just come out fresh from oven.

To have a beautiful ending of this lovely month, let me share three pictures including the recipes of the cake/cookies that I baked quickly for my family during the month of February.
They were baked in a late afternoon, for our afternoon snack and the pictures were taken in our kitchen table. Just a quick shot before I served them for my beloved family.

Ontbijtkoek, fresh from the oven

OntbijtkoekAn oldies cake with spices aroma.
I posted this recipe on October 2010. Before and after I posted, this recipe already become our favorite 'quick bread' recipe. Easy to make, always have a delicious result, never have leftover. I can produce 2 medium loaves from 1 recipe.

Sift together 1 3/4 cup flour, 1/2 tsp vanilla powder, 1 tsp ground cinnamon and pinch of ground gloves and nutmeg. Set aside.
Beat 5 eggs, 1/2 cup sugar and 1 cup palm sugar until thick and frothing.
Add the sifted ingredients and 2 tbs melted margarine, stir well.
Pour into a loaf baking pan lined with grease-proof paper that has been brushed with butter and sprinkled with flour.
Sprinkle with kenari or peanuts or chocolate chips.
Bake at 180 C for about 40-45 minutes until done.
*spread margarine on top of the cake, right after it comes out from the oven.

Chocolate Cookies

Chocolate Cookies
I have to thank to Martha Stewart for this delicious cookie recipe. Thank you so much Martha (hope she reads this blog)!
It was one afternoon when I was thinking that it would be nice to welcome my children back from school with chocolate cookies. What I had in my mind was to bake chewy chocolate cookie. Quickly I chose 'Milk Chocolate Cookies' recipe from Martha Stewart's COOKIES recipe book. Since I had no stock of milk chocolate, I substituted it with dark chocolate and dark chocolate chips. The result; I had to bake another batch just 2 days after the first trial, and another batch just 3 days after the second batch. This cookies have become our favorite one, since then. Delicious, has soft texture inside and crunchy outside. Yummy!

1 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 cup unsweetened Dutch-process cocoa powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp coarse salt
8 ounces good-quality milk chocolate (4 ounces coarsely chopped, 4 ounces cut into 1/4 inch chunks) --I used 4 ounces chopped dark chocolate, 4 ounces dark chocolate chips
1/2 cup unsalted butter
1 1/2 cup sugar --I used 'only' 1 cup sugar + 1/4 cup palm sugar.
2 large eggs
1 tsp pure vanilla extract

1. Preheat oven to 325F. Whisk together flour, cocoa powder, baking soda, and salt in a bowl.
2. Melt 4 ounces coarsely chopped chocolate with the butter in a small heatproof bowl set over a pan of simmering water; let cool slightly
3 Put chocolate mixture, sugar, eggs, and vanilla in the bowl of an electric mixer fitter with the paddle attachment. Mix on medium speed until combined. Reduce speed to low; gradually mix in flour mixture. Fold in chocolate chunks.
4. Using a 1 1/2 inch ice cream scoop, drop dough onto parchment paper-lined baking sheets, spacing 2 inches apart. Bake until cookies are flat and surfaces crack, about 15 minutes (cookies should be soft). Let cool on parchment on wire racks. Cookies can be stored between layers of parchment in airtight containers at room temperature up to 3 days.

Banana-Oatmeal MuffinsHaving two over ripe bananas that needed to be saved.
I grab my 'Muffin Mania' recipe book, and chose to bake Banana-Oatmeal Muffin for a quick rescue. I made 1/2 recipe only, and no need to wait too long.... 11 medium size muffins were ready to be served.
Just a note; you can add a bit more sugar if you prefer sweet muffins.
I added a handful of chocolate chips to the batter and put grated cheddar cheese on the top.

1 cup rolled oats
1 cup milk
2 cup all purpose flour
1/2 cup white sugar
5 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp nutmeg
1/2 cup margarine melted and cooled
2 eggs
2 tsp vanilla
2 cups mashed bananas (4-5 medium)

Combine oats and milk and set aside.
In large bowl, mix flour, sugar, salt, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon and nutmeg.
To soaked (oat and milk) mixture, add melted margarine, eggs, vanilla and bananas.
Add wet mixture to dry ingredients and stir only until the flour is moistened.
Fill greased muffin cups and bake 375C for 20 minutes.


Even though they were shot hurriedly,the photos look beautiful.Love the tiny muffins and the topping! I also had some ripe bananas which I turned into chocolate banana muffins.
Ira Rodrigues said…
agrred van, home made bake always best in the world and it always make the tummy a happy tummy lol
* resep cookies nya aku contek!
* onbijkoek nya aku mau bikin sambil merem hahaha
Vania said…
Farwin, thanks for the nice comment. The pics probably look okey, but for me it's a bit poor of light control.
Yah, our ripe bananas were saved by muffin recipe :)

Ira, gawatnya nih happy tummy kadang bikin fat juga, haduuuh.
Cookies nya enak bgt Ra, harus hati2 ama baking time-nya. Di ovenku harus 12 min, kelebihan agak gosong, kurang dari itu jadi flat bbrp menit setelah keluar oven. Aku pake 160C, Ra.
Ati2 kalo bikin kue sambil merem, ntar salah takaran. At least buka sebelah mata deh hi..hi..
Roossy Tirta said…
allo Mbak Vania, love all the pictures. Would like to try your banana muffins prob this weekend..btw, kalo all purpose diganti ama whole wheat flour bisa yach Mbak..
Mau coba cookiesnya... :) Thanks Van
Vania said…
Roossy, thanks :)
Menurut aku sih okey2 aja ganti jadi whole wheat. Aku belum nyoba, baru nemu whole wheat minggu lalu *akhirnya*. Cuma Ross, kalo aku liat2 resep2 muffin yg pake whole wheat flour, biasanya di 1 resep pake 1/2 bagian all purpose flour dan 1/2 bagian whole wheat.
Roos, resep ini gulanya dikit, jadi kalo pisangnya gak terlalu manis mungkin perlu ditambahin gula. Satu resep rasanya jadinya banyak Roos, aku bikin 1/2 resep aja.

Tika, cobain deh... ati2 ketagihan :). Menurut aku perlu dikurangi gulanya biar gak kemanisan. Happy baking.
shinta said…
mba vania, kenapa ontbijkoek yg kubuat dr resepmu tdk pernah jadi sebagus punya mba van yg di foto huhuu ga pecah2 cantik dan mengkilat gtuu #sirikberat
dan muffinnya aku mw coba wiken ini, yosh semangat..
mba van, kalo bisa&sempet resepnya dibikin dwibahasa dong, indo dan inggris, maklum mba inggrisku msh acakadut, takut mis-translated gtuu,,
btw another great job mba :)
Anonymous said…
untuk muffin, suhu panggangnya 375 Fahrenheit atau celsius sih?
biasanya liat-liat di resep muffin di blog ini, manggangnya di suhu 180C atau 375F.
Minta petunjuknya ya.
amy said…
i love your chocolate cookies. i love eating cookies together with my favorite greek yogurt. do you have any recipe that uses greek yogurt? please do visit my site to see my favorite brand of greek yogurt. thanks!
Hesti HH. said…
HAduuuuw mbak Van, semuanya memanggil manggil tuk dipraktekkan. Semuanya bikin ngeces, karena fotonya betul betul mendukung! Apalagi kukis coklatnya yang super seksi, hihi.

Mbak aku izin link di blog ya...
La Marquise said…
Foto2nya bagus banget, dan aku perhatiin nge-watermark-innya unik dan sempurna,, ndak ngerusak keindahan foto, brilliant!!
Vania said…
@ Shinta,
coba si Ontbijkoek-nya begitu keluar dari oven, diolesin sedikit margarine, selain bikin mengkilat... begitu udah nyerap, menambah kelezatan kuenya.
Shin, kadang aku gak ada wkt u/ translate, coba pake google translate... di copy paste ke google. Kalo masih binun, boleh nanya kog :)

@ Anonymous;
375 F ~ 190 C.
Rata2 kalo manggang pake 180 C, cuma kembali ke oven masing2. Kadang 180 C beda2 di tiap oven.

@ Amy;
Thanks for stopping by. I'll check your Greek Yoghurt.

@ Hesti;
Thanks Hesti... ini foto2nya mendadak2 aja, motret di dapur sebelum diabisin anak2 :)

@ Maurina;
makasih :) iya, watermark saya simple2 aja, sekedar ngasi tanda ajah. Thanks sudah mampir ya.
Wahy said…
mbak aku share resep chocolate cookiesnya ya :3
rasanya enyaaaakk, tp punya aku ga mengkilat kayak punya mbak Vania ;(